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Bulletproof Knees.

Bulletproof knees is a preparatory online training program that targets common overuse knee injuries.  With healthy knees and a solid training foundation, you'll be sure to reach new heights with subsequent vertical jump training like Vert Academy: The Program.


Vert program
VERT ACADEMY: the program.
Mesophase I now available.

Maximize your vert gains.  VERT ACADEMY: The Program utilizes an evidence-based approach that combines strength training, speed/plyometrics training and technique training to improve an athlete's power production. Vert Academy may not be suitable for athletes dealing with minor or major injuries; consult a physician/physiotherapist prior to attempting this program. The program is periodized into four mesophases, with each mesophase containing five weeks of programming.


To accommodate your current equipment set-up, the program is available in three versions: full equipment set-up, partial, and no equipment.  Please read below to determine what program is most appropriate for you based on your current equipment set-up.


Full Equipment:

This is the main version of Vert Academy Mesophase #1. It requires athletes to have access to a heavy dumbbell (e.g., to perform a goblet squat), medium sized dumbbells (e.g., to perform lunges and presses), and small dumbbells (e.g., for shoulder circuits). Some additional equipment is beneficial (e.g., mini bands, exercise bench), but not required.  Exercise substitutions are included in the "Additional Information" sections for exercises that users may not have equipment for.

   This phase of Vert Academy is intended to be followed for 5-weeks and contains strength days, speed/plyo days and off-day exercises.




Partial Equipment:

This version of Vert Academy Mesophase #1 requires athletes to have light dumbbells (e.g., shoulder circuits) to medium sized dumbbells (e.g., for lunges). Additional equipment is an asset but not required. Exercise substitutions based on equipment availability are listed in the additional information sections. 

  This phase of Vert Academy is intended to be followed for 5-weeks and contains strength days, speed/plyo days and off-day exercises. 




No Equipment:

This version of Vert Academy Mesophase #1 does not require any equipment. Substitutions and do-it-yourself suggestions are listed in the additional information sections. Additional load and equipment are an asset but not required. 

  This phase of Vert Academy is intended to be followed for 5-weeks and contains strength days, speed/plyo days and off-day exercises.


Personalized online programming.

Looking for an exercise program tailored to your specific goals & training history that you can perform on your own?  We offer online programming through an easy to access app, with access to human performance tracking and online coaching support through video & messaging.  Contact us to sign-up.



Ready to work?
Contact us for more information.

403 922 4496

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